The Four Crows
Bushcraft & Primitive Living Skills
Stuart fish - was born in 1968, in Hawick, the Scottish Borders.
As a child, school summer holidays were spent up the local park, swimming in the river and having fires on the stone beaches.
Walks were taken into the outlying countryside to explore and play.
At the age of eight, I was given my first fishing rod, my first fishing foray onto the local river saw no fish landed, as I don’t think they were too keen on Banana!!, which was my bait.
Years later still a keen angler and more experienced, fly fishing and sea angling became a passion.
Also hill walking became another love, walks comprised of weekends spent rambling in the hills. Later long distance hikes like the West Highland way; Wainwrights coast to coast and the St Cuthbert’s way were undertaken.
Although these were enjoyed, I felt inside that there was something unfulfilled, it was not until I remembered seeing a TV programme as a teenager, this programme called Country Tracks had a ten minute slot, in which a young Ray Mears showed wild camping/Survival skills.
So from here I started down the path, learning bushcraft/Primitive living skills that our ancestors used everyday in life.
Spending time sleeping out under the stars, at any time of the year, with just a blanket and a warm fire for comfort.
In doing this I found a greater awareness, and an oneness with nature was born.
But, to quote a fellow outdoorsman; "There is no graduation day in the school of the woods".
So even today I still head off to the woods, to challenge myself whenever possible, and to seek a closer understanding, which those long forgotten peoples had with nature.